Covid-19 Support
Disaster Support:
Financial hardship, poverty, and lower socio-economic conditions are the main reasons for the high dropout rate in school going students. It becomes worse when there is a natural disaster or personal and family catastrophe. Usually, any disaster (natural or personal) hits poor, low income, and marginalized families the hardest. Unfortunately, these families are the least prepared for the response and recovery of such catastrophic events due to lack of the resources and the vicious circle of poverty. Disaster support project is to help these student families during a catastrophic event so that the mission of the Paradigm Shift Education Inc. can be achieved.
Fight Against COVID-19:
COVID-19 has posed an unprecedented crisis worldwide in all aspects – health, business, and economy. In almost all economic reports predict that the impact of COVID-19 will be wiping out half of the economic activities worldwide. Bangladesh is one of the countries that has been severely affected by COVID-19. Economic fallout became even worse based on UNO and other reports. More than 3 million people either lost their jobs or furloughed. The health sector crisis is indescribable. In these circumstances, Paradigm shift Education is helping two different group of people under the disaster support project.
Target Population -1:
Extremely poor families who live hand to mouth i.e. free-lance daily laborer, laborer in transport sectors, homeless people, disabled, widows and orphans in orphanages.
Our Initiative:
- Dry Food Distributions
- Emergency Medical support
Target Population -2:
Lower middle-class families who cannot ask help in public like non-MPO teachers of schools and madrasas, blue-collar workers in organizations/business and workers who were forced to return home from abroad.
Our Initiative:
- Cash Support (BD Tk. 3000 t0 BD Tk. 5000 per teacher/worker)
- Emergency Medical support