Support Us

Let us sync your dreams with ours in the following ways

Sponsor a project site:

As a family or an individual, you can sponsor one of the programs to implement in a site. We are open to discuss to adopt a name of the program on a specific site to honor memories of your loved one as a sponsor. The tentative cost of sponsorship of a program in a specific site are as follows:

Volunteer in our projects:

Responsible, dedicated, and passionate volunteers carry out all projects and activities of the Paradigm Shift Educations Inc. If you are a dreamer, a leader and a doer who wants to make a difference in society then please join us as a volunteer. We provide opportunities to our volunteers for personal development, leadership training, and detailed recommendation letters when they need them.

Help us to find a talent or a project site

Other Ways To Support Us

Make Donations

Every single penny counts, so please donate any amount that is suitable for your financial condition. Make a pledge for a monthly contribution. We often have some donors or corporate organizations that match your donations to double the impact of your generosity. So please use the donate button to make donations.

Give Your Zakat

Paradigm Shift Education Inc. has a qualified resident Islamic scholar who advises about Zakat fund expenditures. All Zakat collection and disbursement records are maintained separately with sensitivity and care for religious compliance. Please give us your Zakat money to have long term, sustainable impact on our society.

Partner With Us

We are very much interested in developing a sustainable partnership with local, and international government and non-government organizations (NGOs), corporate business and charitable organizations to achieve Paradigm Shift Organization Inc’s mission of providing opportunities to poor and marginalized students to flourish their talents.  We welcome and appreciate your partnership!

Support Us

Let us sync your dreams with ours.

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    We are committed to expanding opportunity. Sign up for our emails to learn how you can get involved.