Who We Are

Paradigm Shift Education Inc is a USA based nonprofit organization founded in 2018 by few expatriate Bangladeshi professionals for promoting and advancing educational excellence in Bangladesh. This is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes, specifically to support marginalized students and their families; create social awareness about importance of education in poor neighborhoods; encourage and support STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education in schools and madrasas.
Our Mission
Provide opportunities to poor, marginalized and first-generation students to flourish their talents by connecting, mobilizing, supporting, and transforming educational stakeholders.

Our Vision
Striving to be the leader in ensuring a joyful, inclusive and transformative education for every student regardless of one’s background.
What We Do
Bangladesh has recently made a significant economic growth; however the dropout rate in primary and secondary education is still high. According to a World Bank report published in 2016, the dropout rate in primary school is about 20% . Only 50% of the pupils enrolled in grade 1 can complete grade 10 due to poverty, child labor, lack of family support, and scarcity of resources. On the other hand, Madrasas and orphanages are the least equipped but one of the major education providers for students from extremely low-income families in Bangladesh.

Various research data show that 85% of madrasas with orphanages are located in outside of the cities and rural areas. Madrasas and orphanages provide basic education to 14% of total student populations. We believe that education is the single most important factor that shapes the life of a child and the future of a country. Hence the objective of the organization is to support marginalized, deprived, and first-generation students and their families through some unique but effective projects such as:
Our Story
Robi and Prince are two friends since their student life at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) 1997-2002. Both of them feel deeply about the motherland, Bangladesh where all levels of education are almost free and even, food and living during University studies are highly subsidized. On the other hand, Jonayed was a fresh college graduate with lots of energy in 2017 who has been dreaming of transform the society in whole of his student life as a progressive activist. So the three together brain-stormed, discussed, debated and eventually came up with the idea of making dedication and struggle of poor families towards their children’s education visible. Because they chose education for their children by sacrificing income that the children would have generated like other low-income families.

A small fund has been managed to kick off the project right away in 2017. Badda, a suburb of Dhaka City Corporations was selected as a project area. Four destiture families whose children were the best in class based on their character and academics results with the help of local school teachers, volunteers, and rigorous interview process. The families were publicly honored, recognized and awarded with plaques and cash-support as a model family by the community leaders, school teachers, and administrators. The impact of this publicly recognition had a very positive impact on families and other students. Based on the positive responses, the Paradigm Shift Education Inc. has been formed in 2018 in the state of Oklahoma to extend this and other similar projects throughout the Bangladesh and poor neighborhoods in the USA.
Governing Body
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